About this blog

This is something I've been considering for some time now: a blog where I could share some knowledge about Linux, Computer Networks and technology in general. Besides being something enjoyable for me, writing articles about these subjects is a way to give back to the community: much of what I've learned throughout my carreer came from blogs, mailing lists and free articles published on specialized websites.

During this time, I also made some contributions, participating in mailing lists, helping whenever I could, and publishing a few articles, mostly on Dicas-L, one of the oldest and highest rated sources of Linux information in Brazil. A few examples I could retrieve from the Internet:

Linux-BR mailing list
FUGSPBR mailing list

Some date back from 2002! (Am I getting old?) But as you can see, it was too sporadical; now I plan to write more consistently, and centralize everything in my own personal blog.

"And why a blog in English, if you are Brazilian?", you may ask. Well, simply because I want a wider audience than my home country, and English has become the de facto language of the IT world. I just hope my English writing skills are good enough for this task! :)

Finally, it's not only an altruistic motivation: it's good for my own personal development, since it motivates me to seek new knowledge, organize and document it. I also expect it to help publicize my consulting and freelancing services, which can be performed worldwide, through the Internet, or locally, depending on the location. If you need a Linux specialist for your project, feel free to visit my professional website and my LinkedIn profile, and send me an e-mail anytime.

Professional website

Hope you enjoy the blog!

Dorian Bolivar
February 27, 2018